Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ex libris

So, how to explain away one's blog-linquency!  Well...

Exhibit A: The joy of tweeting. (If you're unfamiliar, see the sidebar at right, or just hop on over to my Twitter page.) Now, wait a minute, I know, I know, I felt the same way, too. But listen: it's actually much more enjoyable than I had imagined before I dove in about a month ago. There's something very appealing about the challenge of using only 140 characters to attempt to share a part of yourself--sort of like an online, instantaneous, Smith Magazine-esque encapsulation of yourself. Anyhow, now that Facebook has officially gone down the tubes, Twitter is here to stay, at least for me.

(Please know how strongly I am fighting the urge to point out that I began a sentence in that first paragraph with a conjunction. I'm sorry, dear Mrs. Grimm, wherever you are; please resist the temptation to revisit my 3rd-grade transcripts.)

Exhibit B (and the real focus of present entry): I've been making a conscious effort to carve out some extended, meaningful time with a select group of my ever-expanding trove of books. Without slathering the following with my editorial opinions, I thought I'd share a few of the titles I've been especially enjoying of late. In case you'd like to join in the fun, each title is hyperlinked to its respective amazon.com page (as RB would say, other sites are available).

1 comment:

Lane Savant said...

If you haven't got to Mozart in the Jungle yet, put it on the top of your list.